How to calibrate the filament flow ?
This is an important step for the print quality.We are printing in vase mode a single perimeter of a cube on 20mm height to evaluate the layer width.
- Open the slicer and import the 100mm cube given in the examples (100 because it is long enough for the extruder to reach a steady state)
- Load your default profile
- Set the temperature
- Set the extrusion flow to 100%
- Set the extrusion width
- Disable the cooling ( min print layer time to less than 5 seconds)
- Set the print speed about the print speed you want to print
- Enable the vase mode
- Disable Top and Bottom layers
- Ensure the infill is set to 0
- Slice from 0.0 to 20.0 mm
- Launch the print
- Once the print is finished, use a caliper (or better a micrometer) to check the value of the extrusion width of the single printed wall in different places, and iterate adjusting only the extrusion flow until the extrusion width is correct.
- Optional : Check the length on both X and Y, to see if there are deviations for your calibration on X and Y
- You can iterate with 2 or more perimeters, then adjust accordingly to your profile